So as you all know I have recently moved to Memphis to be with my wonderful boyfriend. Not going to lie at first I was super nervous, ya know like this is a huge step. But everyday since I have moved in has been better than the last. We're learning so much about each other and everything we find out about each other we realize that it makes us fall that much more in love! ( I guess I shouldn't say ''we'' haha I'm not sure if he actually thinks of things like that) But regardless I know without a doubt that I have made the right decision by moving here. I absolutely love everything about it!
I recently started working and am getting a crazy lot of hours $$$ cha-ching! I can't wait to get that first pay check! I love the girls that I work with and I LOVE hearing people talk down here. Like seriously if we are friends and you have a southern accent you can talk for hours and I will just listen. I wish I had an accent. I'm jealous!
Any-who I don't want to bore y'all too much about how happy I am, haha, but I just can't help it. A year ago my life was at the lowest of lows, and I just think it's crazy how everything can change and happen for a reason. My boyfriend has truly been a gift from God and I honestly couldn't ask for a better man. <3