Well I made it..back in the Land of Lincoln. It has been harder than I thought it would be! As much as I love being back here with my family, I miss my friends down south like crazy!! Also, moving back into your parents house after being on your own for three years is one of the most frustrating things ever. I don't advise it. But all in all, I'm settled in now, and just accepting the fact that this is my life now, at least for the next year or so, so I might as well embrace it.
I've started working at Victoria's Secret again, and that's been fun, but the hour drive there is not. haha it gives me a lot of time to think..which can be a good or a bad thing, but it also gives me an hour to sing to my steering wheel and that's like my favorite thing in the world! (Just gotta look on the bright side of things) All of the girls there are super sweet and totally welcoming, so it's been an easy transition. Not much has changed since I stopped working there about a year ago, so it's been super easy to jump back into things. Honestly, I feel like I never even left. I find it weird to talk about how working there is such a passion of mine, but helping other women feel beautiful and confident about their bodies really just makes me feel good. Everyone deserves to love themselves, and if I can do that everyday then I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
Since being home I've found more time to focus again on my healthy eating and fitness routine. That's exactly what it is...a routine, and it's so easy to fall out of routines! When I lived in Tennessee, especially this past year it was so easy for me to just stop and get food on my way home from work instead of going home and cooking..and don't even get me started on how much alcohol I was consuming. I've been home a week and a half and have already lost 5 lbs! I can thank skipping out on the fast food for that one! I did cave and get Portillo's today, but if you don't treat yourself than you'll die, and I like being alive, okay? I'm excited to get back into the gym. I think back to 2 years ago when I was literally there every day and how great it made me feel and how different I looked and it gets me totally pumped. Ya'll know summer bodies are totally built in the winter, and I know I'm going to be tempted this holiday season.....I've already bought Christmas candy!!! So getting focused and motivated is gonna be great for me!
As for the most recent ex...he never showed up in my driveway and I'm totally okay with that. If Tennessee taught me anything it's about how to handle relationships. I've let a lot of things go in my past relationships..shrugged off not being treated well, and tried to find excuses for not feeling like I was the most important thing to them. I know what I'm worth, and I know what I deserve. To find someone who puts you above everything else and cares about what you're interested in and the things that you love has to be one of the greatest feelings of all time I would imagine, I've always been so quick to fall in love, but this time I'm trying to take things slower. I know there's no way I could handle another heartache right now, so I find myself sometimes acting sort of detached when it comes to talking to certain people...it's not on purpose at all, honestly I'm just scared, and I'm trying to work through that. Thankfully I know the right one will be patient with me.
I think that pretty much covers everything that's been going on since I've moved back! I'll see ya'll next time!
Stay Sweet